God's Guarantee To Heal You

Positive scriptual proof that you too can work miracles, heal the sick, cure diseases, cast out devils! You too can lay hands upon the sick and see them recover. You too can have...

Bible Passages: A Cd Treasury Of Audio Scripture

GOD'S COMFORT In times of illness, anxiety or sorrow, when hope is most elusive, the Bible stands as a beacon of eternal solace and strength. Selections from Romans, Job and...

Passing On The Mantle With Pastor Undena

PTMU is an innovative and poignantly positioned broadcast that caters to an international market of viewers who are interested in increasing their foundational and doctrinal...

Questions & Ansar

Freelancer tech tips, WordPress tips, virtual assistance tips and answering questions from you!

Ansar Hussain

Ansar Hussain Firdousi did his initial studies in Al-Jaamiathul Firdousiya Arabic College, Nagercoil. He, then, graduated as Afzal ul Ulama from Bharathidasan University,...

The Mantle Of Command: Fdr At War, 1941–1942

Based on years of archival research and interviews with the last surviving aides and Roosevelt family members, Nigel Hamilton offers a definitive account of FDR’s...

Etheric Vision And What It Reveals

Many persons who have developed a small degree of etheric sight have expressed astonishment when first beholding showers of stars, pyramids, double pyramids, cubes and other...

My Once And Future Duke: The Wagers Of Sin

What happens at the infamous Vega Club . . .Sophie Campbell is determined to be mistress of her own fate. Surviving on her skill at cards, she never risks what she can’t afford...

Love Is A Rogue: Wallflowers Vs. Rogues

Once upon a time in Mayfair a group of wallflowers formed a secret society with goals that had absolutely nothing to do with matrimony. Their most troublesome obstacle?...

We All Wore Blue

A racially diverse youth soccer team comprised largely of immigrant players from a multitude of different countries, races and religions come together to achieve the unthinkable...

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