Paulo Freire

Você que talvez tenha lido livros de Paulo Freire e livros sobre ele sabia que, antes de “Pedagogia do Oprimido” ser editado como um livro, ele foi desdobrado em artigos e...

Weberton Freire

poeta, escritor e autor

&politics With Janelle Anderson

This is a show about news, people, and their stories.Why the politics?Because there is a political aspect to every story and the personal is political.

"personalities" With Chuck Anderson

Long-time radio broadcaster Chuck Anderson interviews South Dakota's well-known and not-so-well-known personalities.

Dr. Maureen Anderson

The weekly teachings by Dr. Maureen Anderson at the Living Word Bible Church in Arizona.

North Anderson Baptist

A small CHURCH, In a small TOWN, Serving a BIG GOD

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