Nixon Talks

Talks on random topics, info, news and readings from anything I find interesting.


In 1971, a young, incorrigible mischief-maker named Dennis Mitchell became the newest neighbor of President Richard M. Nixon. The Mitchell boy, nicknamed Dennis "The Menace" by...

Shawon Nixon

I cover a variety of sports topics focusing on Nebraska Cornhusker sports. Podcast will also cover other sporting events


Following the resounding success of the eponymous West End and Broadway hit play, Frost/Nixon tells the extraordinary story of how Sir David Frost pursued and landed the biggest...


O mundo do ano 2170 é completamente diferente: o uso indiscriminado de fontes de energia poluentes e o desmatamento desenfreado causaram um aumento drástico na temperatura do...


Aurora é mais uma obra da Coleção Nietzsche. Em Aurora, Nietzsche começa a fazer uma severa critica a moral, nos levando a um estágio de reflexão sobre os preconceitos...


Símbolo do amanhecer na vida de cada um de nós, Aurora, civilização intraterrena, trabalha especialmente com a cura cósmica.


AURORA is een platform voor bewust leven // We bieden schrijfcoaching, uitgeef- en brandingprogramma’s voor bewuste ondernemers en lichtwerkers // Op dit kanaal vind je...

Aurora Floyd

Aurora Floyd (1863) is a sensation novel written by Mary Elizabeth Braddon. It is a follow-up novel to Braddon's highly popular Lady Audley's Secret (1862). The plot...

Nixon and Kissinger

More than thirty years after working side by side in the White House, Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger still stand as two of the most compelling, contradictory, and powerful...

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