Festina lente: make haste slowly

Not all hurry leads to hastiness. Not all slowness is synonymous with tardiness. Because of all the hustle and bustle, sometimes we pass through life without even looking it in...

Hey, you are there! Are you a Son of God or a Creature of God?

The objective of the author is to provide a tool containing the discovery of that you really are and what itwill be. We all have the freedom and the discretionary power to decide...

Pandemic fascism

About a hundred years after the outbreak of the Spanish flu and the beginning of fascism in Italy, the world watches history as it resonates. A pandemic of Coronavirus spreads...

Hector and Acadia

Hector e Acadia vivem em ambientes distintos. Hector é uma lagarta faminta que vive em busca de suas folhas. Acadia é uma borboleta rosada que vive voando sobre as árvores....

Guide to personal finance YOU Ltd.: uncomplicated method

This book addresses a simplified method to analyze on a timeline the physical-financial aspects of a person or a family. As time goes by, through implementing the observations...

Pole Dance: Body And Mind Of Movement

This is my first book in Brazil and other countries about Pole Dance that contains theoretical foundations of social Psychology, Sexuality Psychology, childhood and teenagers,...

Pioneers Of The Amazon Collection: Manaus-am

Children and the young people of the church, who we also consider our children, you are the main purpose for preparing this book you gave a marvelous presentation at the Cultural...

Estado E Burguesia No Brasil: Origens Da Autocracia Burguesa

Em Estado e burguesia no Brasil, o sociólogo Antonio Carlos Mazzeo faz uma reflexão sobre a formação econômico-social brasileira, desde sua colonização até o fim do...

Poesia da mata

???Este livro evoca pensamentos e sentimentos ecológicos de amor e respeito à vida, aspectos ecológicos da educação, etc. Expressos em rima poética e linguagem simples, mas...

Dos olhos de Maria das Candeias

Vamos conhecer a história de Maria das Candeias. Tudo começa com uma velha octogenária assistindo de sua calçada uma briga, por pouco ou quase nada; depois, o percurso de sua...

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