Truly Taboo ~ Volume No. 3

DESCRIPTION:In four different perspectives the story of teacher-student love is portrayed where Shun and Hatsumi fancies their teacher Hino and Yoshio. Originally, things were...

Anthony Ayala

Las Vegas podcaster living in Houston, Texas. Talking about Las Vegas, Lake Charles, and Houston.

Ayako Fujiki's Living Room Session

Pianist and Composer: Ayako Fujiki plays music!! You can also check out her current activity at

Voices Of Vision With Ayoka

Voices of Vision is dedicated to discussing and sharing the power of universal principles that govern our existence and guide our transformation. Join us for powerful and...


Welcome to the Ayana podcast, where amazing things happen.

Esbeydi Ayala

Welcome to Esbeydi Ayala, where amazing things happen.


Principios Rectores del Nuevo sistema de Justicia Oral en Materia Mercantil, Civil y Familiar.

Juan Antonio Ayala

Podcast by Juan Antonio Ayala

Melhores Contos Walmir Ayala

Walmir Ayala é um poeta e sua prosa não o nega. Seus contos versam sobre relacionamentos, sistemas de poder, aspiração à pureza e ao amor desinteressado, vidas mantidas à...

Os Curacas: Nas Crônicas De Felipe Guamán Poma De Ayala E Inca Garcilaso De La Vega

Esta obra é uma publicação em formato de livro da dissertação "Os curacas nas crônicas de Felipe Guamán Poma de Ayala e Inca Garcilaso de la Vega", produzida sob...

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