Karen Rands - Compassionate Capitalist

Karen Rands, a true Venture Catalyst, shares her insights about Connecting Companies with Capital and Capital with Companies. This show engages the Early Stage Sophisticated...

Karen Rands, Compassionate Capitalist

Karen Rands, the Compassionate Capitalist, interviews industry experts and shares her unique insights regarding wealth creation through entrepreneurship and angel investing. ...

Here In Spirit With Hollister Rand

International Medium Hollister Rand

Rand Congressional Briefing Series Podcast

RAND Congressional Briefings connect RAND experts with lawmakers, legislative staff, and respected opinion leaders on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., to present findings and...

Das Haus Am Rand Der Klippen (ungekürzt)

Spannend, fesselnd und mysteriös! Das Haus an den Klippen war Ellens größter Traum. Doch kaum eingezogen, liegt ihre Welt in Trümmern: Ihre Ehe ist zerbrochen, sie ist...

Everybody Hates Rand: A Wheel Of Time Podcast

Just two hyper-critical English majors talking some pretty big game about The Wheel of Time. Co-hosts Emily and Sally gather around their kitchen table each week to serve you up a...

B. J. Harrison Reads Anthem

Mankind has entered another Dark Age. Individuality has been eliminated. People refer to themselves only by using "we" and "they". All live in collective homes and the mass is...


Ayn Rand's classic dystopian novel Anthem is about a dark future in which the concept of individuality has been banned in favor of collectivism. People can only refer to...


Ayn Rand's dystopic science-fiction novella takes place at some unspecified future date. Mankind has entered another dark age as a result of what Rand saw as the weaknesses of...

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