The Edgar Allan Poe Audio Collection

Universally acclaimed as the maestro of horror and the morbid, Edgar Allan Poe’s dark gift has for more than a century and a half set the standard for the genre.Now, Caedmon...


2010 saw one of the biggest man hunts in British Police History. It took place near Newcastle, a proud and tough shipbuilding city in the north-east of England. The hunt of was...


BASIQ is a show that celebrates the intellectuals and makes science and technology relatable.

Em Basic

Your boot camp guide to Emergency Medicine. Made for medical students and emergency medicine interns- each podcast goes through the workup, treatment, and disposition of common...

Basic Able

Inspirational podcast about the disabled...PSYCH! Talking about disability issues and community in an aggressively UNbasic way.All of our episodes are filmed so we can caption...


Just 2, 20-somethings trying to navigate a love of mainstream media but a drive to broaden our scope. If you ever feel like you've been put into a box based on your interests and...

Basic Church

The word BASIC in our name is an acronym which stands for: brothers and sisters in Christ. We are a growing group of disciples from all walks of life and ethnicities, who are...

Basic Pharmacology

These podcast review basic pharmacology. drug use, action, and easy to remember tips for side-effects are reviewed. These podcast were created in preparation for the NCLEX.

Basic Bitching

Kadia and Mandi -- two girls from The Bronx, who have mastered the art of complaining. After years of bitching to one another about any and everything, they have decided to share...

Basic Brainheart

Celebrating and interrogating creatives of all stripes.

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