
"Like shyte through the Bull's anus, so are the days of our lives." BEWARE! DANGEROUS HORRORSCOPE!! LISTEN AT YOUR OWN PERIL!!!

Tropic Of Capricorn

Banned in America for almost thirty years because of its explicit sexual content, this companion volume to Miller's Tropic of Cancer chronicles his life in 1920s New York City....

Meet Capricorn

A place where everyone can have a voice as well as voice their opinion on subjects that may be a little controversial.

Like Literally Literary

Like Literally Literary is a weekly podcast where two friends, Alexa Pereira and Kiley Pole, discuss books of all genres and bookish things in like all seriousness while drinking...

Literary Conversations

Conversations with writers about their books and the writing craft. With a special focus on advice for beginning writers.

Literary Bent

A weekly book club podcast hosted by two high school friends, Sharat Buddhavarapu and Leben Tadesse. Each week we take a chapter of our current reading selection and break it down...

Literary Disco

Writers talk about reading. Hosted by Tod Goldberg, Julia Pistell, and Rider Strong.

Literary Speaking

Literary Speaking connects writers with the publishing industry by featuring conversations with best selling authors, literary agents, publishers and publicity firms. How do I...

Literary California

Martha Pettit of Folio Books interviews Californian authors, publishers, booksellers, and librarians in hopes of learning more about the past, present and future of books in...

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