R. David Lankes

Scholar | Speaker | Writer | Teacher | Advocate

R&r Sheroes

Revitalize and Rise trains, coaches & mentors women enabling them to overcome personal and professional challenges and helps them to revitalize and rise! R&R Sheroes are...

Spiritual R&r

Spiritual R&R is an upbeat, high-energy show that demonstrates how understanding and using spiritual principles in our daily lives can transform how we see ourselves. The show...

R & R Podcast

A reflective and reactive podcast on whatever subject is on hand-make a suggestion. Usually it's the big stuff...or we'll pretend like it's big. We provide the research and the...


This Podcast will be asmr sounds!

Yutorah: R' David Horwitz -- Recent Shiurim

YUTORAH: R' David Horwitz -- Recent Shiurim

Dawid David

Welcome to the Dawid David podcast, where Grace is my pride

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