Sinfonia Inacabada: A Vida De José Lutzemberger

Alto executivo de multinacional da Química, prestes a ser promovido a diretor da empresa na Europa, abandona a carreira e transforma-se em líder internacional do ativismo...


Tímida é um curto romance infanto juvenil que ludicamente aborda o sonho e a fantasia diante da inevitável timidez porque todos passamos, Belissimamente ilustrado, é leitura...


Lilith by George Macdonald. It is the story of Mr. Vane, an orphan and heir to a large house -- a house in which he has a vision that leads him through a large old mirror into...

Beyond The Castle: A Guide To Discovering Your Happily Ever After

When the credits roll and you've left the park, when your Disney day is over, how do you take the magic with you into your everyday work and life?Jody Jean Dreyer worked for the...


jdog aka driver or shall i SAY THE WHEEL MAN BEHIND THE WHEEL.

Lilla Drevet

Lilla drevet är ett roligt radioprogram om nyheter och politik från Aftonbladet Kultur. Med Ola Söderholm, Nanna Johansson, Liv Strömquist, Jonatan Unge och Moa Lundqvist.

Lilith Daughter

I am the daughter of Lilith, LeSiren, Jezebel and honorable mention to Medusa. I heal and kill, love and hate with equal passion because life isnt just about fairies and rainbows,...

Lilith & Lydia

A conversation between friends.....made public

Rocket Dreamer

Rocket dreamer exists to encourage and inspire you so that you can get unstuck and finally win at life! Listen to ideas on pursuing your big dreams and having better choices with...

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