Astrology - Zodiac, Ascending And Couple Affinity

Astrology is a complex of beliefs and traditions that believes that the positions and movements of celestial bodies relative to Earth on events affecting human collective and...

Wunderwaffen - The Secret Weapons Of World War Ii

Vergeltungswaffen, retaliatory weapon, was a term coined during the Second World War to represent some Wunderwaffe, miraculous weapons, that Germany was developing. The...

Chromotherapy - The Power Of Colors

Colour therapy is an alternative medicine that uses color as a therapy for the treatment of diseases.Chromotherapy has ancient origins, as traditional medicines have always...

Essential Oils & Aromatherapy

The term "aromatherapy" indicates the use of aromatic essences also known as essential oils or volatile oils, to ensure well-being, to prevent the disease or to treat...

De Havilland Dh.98 Mosquito

The De Havilland DH.98 Mosquito was a British military aircraft of great versatility during the Second World War.He was affectionately nicknamed "Mossie" by his crews...

Abyssinian Cat - Somali Cat

The Abyssinian cat is one of the oldest feline breeds.Defined for its movements like the miniature puma, it attracts the gattophiles of the whole world with its elegant aesthetic...

The Messerschmitt Bf 109

Pure fighter par excellence, shared with the Focke Wulf 190 the first line of the Luftwaffe throughout the second world war. Continuously updated and upgraded, it represented an...

The Gods Of Olympus

A complete work, unique in its kind, in which the myths and legends of ancient Greece are examined and illustrated with precision and accuracy. An accurate analysis that starts...

Manipura - The Third Chakra

With the word Chakra, which derives from Sanskrit and means "wheel", we want to indicate the seven basic centers of energy in the human body. The chakras are centers of...

Anahata - The Fourth Chakra

Anahata, the fourth chakra, located at the level of the heart and connected to the thymus, is the center of identity, of the courage to be oneself, of impersonal and unconditional...

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