
Elders captures slices of life from fascinating people who happen to be over 70 years old."Older peoples voices are rarely heard in a world obsessed with all things fresh and...

Cyn Elder

Storyteller, yeah, that about sums it up

Elder Talk

Cordell Planning Partners Elder Talk podcast offers smart strategies for seniors and an open forum for older adults with important questions about their future.

Elder Ellison

This show will focus on encouraging and inspiring God's people through the Word of God. I will not compromise what I believe the bible says. I have to stand my watch and declare...


Elder and Wiser is a podcast about changing the conversation from growing old in our culture into being a juicy and vibrant Elder. It starts with owning our own true nature and...

Dr. Arlene Barro

Do you want to learn how to WIN Without Competing! using the Right Fit Method? Tune in to Dr. Arlenes show WIN Without Competing! featured on BlogTalk Radio & based on her book...

Do Barro Ao Santo

Apesar de ser ficção, Do Barro ao Santo faz entrelace com fatos reais. Apropria-se da linguagem popular, buscando focar o viver dos personagens ambientados no pós-guerra da...

Barro Blanco

Chicão, nascido no sertão, passa a infância junto à natureza árida do interior. Numa época de seca implacável, parte para Macau (RN). Um herói oriundo do povo, que assume...

Rodrigo Barros

Dos campos de futebol ao Vale do Silício, Rodrigo Barros é apaixonado por gente e por inovação, e vem decifrando o mindset das pessoas e dos ecossistemas mais inovadores do...

Elder Lore

A podcast straight out of the Elder Scrolls

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