30 Citations À Méditer: Philosophie, Bien-être, Lâcher-prise

30 citations à méditer, pour philosopher, pour faire naître le bien-être, pour lâcher prise et vivre en conscience votre Vie.

大學 The Great Learning 中庸 The Doctrine Of The Mean : (chinese-english Edition)

*** Premium Ebook / Chine-English Edition *** The Great Learning was one of the "Four Books" in Confucianism. It consists of a short main text attributed to the...

Michael Jackson: Exceptional Artist Or Genius? : Points To Consider.

Analyzing the career of Michael Jackson, Franck Vidiella questions the sensitive nature of the term "Genius." Based upon a study that confirms that the great geniuses are, nearly...

The Dead Secret

A large country house situated on the west coast of Cornwall, a mysterious letter and a dead Secret....The Dead Secret is an exciting story that has the ability to keep the reader...

Pride And Prejudice (premium Ebook)

**** PREMIUM EBOOK WITH BEAUTIFUL LAYOUT ****Written in 1813, Pride and Prejudice is one of the best novel of all times, a real timeless classic !This Ebook has been optimized for...

Of A Happy Life

De Vita Beata (Of a Happy Life) is a wonderful philosophical treatise on the definition of Happiness.

Poems In Prose (premium Ebook)

**** PREMIUM EBOOK WITH BEAUTIFUL LAYOUT ****The "Petits Poèmes en Prose" are experiments, and they are also confessions. "Who of us," says Baudelaire...

The Imitation Of Christ (premium Ebook)

**** PREMIUM EBOOK WITH BEAUTIFUL LAYOUT ****With the exception of the Bible, no Christian writing has had so wide a vogue or so sustained a popularity as this. And yet, in one...

Elements Of Mythology, Or, Classical Fables Of The Greeks And The Romans

"Mythology, or the history of fable, is necessary to be known, because it explains many books, statues, and pictures, and enables us to comprehend the value of our own simple...

Arabian Wisdom : Selections And Translations From The Arabic

The wise sayings and proverbs of ancient and modern times (...) They are intended to be maxims of life, or rules of conduct, chiefly for the young, but may be read with pleasure...

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