The Wanderer: Female Difficulties

Juliet Granville tries to become self-sufficient, but her story reveals many difficulties of a woman in her friendless situation. Women take advantage of her economically and men...

The Diary And Letters Of Madame D'arblay

Regarded as a series of pictures of the society of the time, the Diary is unsurpassed for vivid Colouring and truthful delineation. As such alone it would possess a strong claim...

Evelina: The History Of A Young Lady's Entrance Into The World

In London, Evelina's beauty and ambiguous social status attract unwanted attention and unkind speculation. Ignorant of the conventions and behaviors of 18th-century London...

Cecilia: Memoirs Of An Heiress

A panoramic novel of eighteenth-century London, Cecilia, subtitled Memoirs of an Heiress, is a novel, about the trials and tribulations of a young upper class woman who must...

Cécilia Ou Les Mémoires D'une Héritière (version Intégrale)

Le belle Cécilia, qui voudrait tant se marier par amour et non selon les conventions de l'époque, arrivera-t-elle à se défaire de cet...

Évelina Ou L'entrée D'une Jeune Personne Dans Le Monde

À la fois roman sentimental et critique sociale, cette histoire dont le personnage principal, la jeune et jolie Évelina, découvre la société aristocratique du XVIIIe siècle...

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