Federica Pilotti

Welcome to Federica Pilotti, where amazing things happen.

Lingua Inglese (eco) « Federica

Il Web Learning dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Diritto Dell'unione Europea « Federica

Il Web Learning dell'Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Federico Federici

poetry, prose, sounds, interviews, readings

Ovunque Nel Mondo

Lia si arrabatta in un presente di solitudine e profondo isolamento, cercando di ricucire da sola le ferite di un passato oscuro che spera e, allo stesso tempo, teme di essersi...

Leonardo Da Vinci

The #1 New York Times bestseller from Walter Isaacson brings Leonardo da Vinci to life in this exciting new biography that is “a study in creativity: how to define it, how...

Princess Leonard

This life is a concert as noisy and chaotic as it is we can make out time to reminisce on God's Wisdom and Words for us.

Leonardo Da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (1452–1519) was admired even by his contemporaries as one of the greatest men of the Italian Renaissance, still even then he appeared as mysterious to them...

Leonardo Da Vinci

‘extremely accomplished and fluent biography of the ultimate Renaissance Man…While Isaacson gives full measure to the grandeur of Leonardo’s project, he...

Mr. Leonard

It's all Mr. Leonard all the time!

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