Korn Ferry Institute

Korn Ferry is the preeminent authority on leadership and talent. For nearly half a century, clients have trusted us to recruit world-class leaders. Today, we are their partner in...

Franz Kafka

Il grande scrittore praghese di lingua tedesca, precursore dell'esistenzialismo. I mini-ebook di Passerino Editore sono guide agili, essenziali e complete, per orientarsi...

Franz Johann On Air

FRANZ JOHANN aka Dj Anza is one of the premiere electronic dancemusic engineers hailing from the central European hotbed for underground dance - Vienna/Austria. Residing in...

Metamorphosis, The by KAFKA, Franz

The Metamorphosis (in German, Die Verwandlung, The Transformation) is a novella by Franz Kafka, first published in 1915, and arguably the most famous of his works along with the...

Essencial Franz Kafka

Essencial Kafka reúne momentos antológicos do autor de O processo, incluindo contos, fábulas e a novela A metamorfose, na íntegra além de 109 aforismos. Tradução, seleção...

A Metamorfose - Franz Kafka

Um homem chamado Gregor Samsaacorda metamorfoseado em um insetomonstruoso. A partir daí, enquanto seesforça para lidar com sua nova vidasurreal, o protagonista se depara comas...

The Metamorphosis By Franz Kafka

"As Gregor Samsa awoke one morning from uneasy dreams he found himself transformed in his bed into a gigantic insect. He was laying on his hard, as it were armor-plated, back and...

Molle Und Korn - Der Berlin-podcast

Direkt vom Kurfürstendamm in Berlin: Molle und Korn. Der Podcast von der Berliner Morgenpost. Emina Benalia und Sebastian Geisler klären die großen und kleinen Fragen des...

Meyborg – Der Podcast | Deutschlandreise Mit Korn

Meine Name ist Simon Meyborg und ich möchte Korn wieder salonfähig machen. Dazu habe ich meinen eigenen Korn entwickelt - den MEYBORG.In diesem Podcast erzähle ich von der...

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