Pastor G

John E. Girton, Jr. (Pastor G) has decades of Christian entrepreneurial experience. empowers those who desire the most that life has to offer.


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Interviews from the stars performing at Guildford's newest entertainment venue.

Walt Whitman - Poemas Escolhidos

Walt Whitman (1819 – 1892) foi um poeta, ensaísta e jornalista norte-americano, é considerado por muitos como o "pai do verso livre" e o grande poeta da Revolução americana,...

Walt Whitman: Poeta E, Depois, Profeta

" – CAMARADAS! QUEM TOCA NESTE LIVRO, TOCA NUM HOMEM". Esta frase de Walt Whitman (1819-1892) define, mais do que longos ensaios, Leaves of Grass – uma coletânea de 12 poemas...


Sports, Hip Hop, Street drama, politics, stocks.

Wound Dresser, The by WHITMAN, Walt

The Wound Dresser is a series of letters written from the hospitals in Washington by Walt Whitman during the War of the Rebellion to The New York Times, the Brooklyn Eagle and his...

G & G Greatergoals Lifestyle

Life is supposed to be fun walk with us as we explore topics including family, relationships, business, fashion & entertainment hey you might even hear something about baby poop...

The G Factor

You’ve heard of Google. Anyone who hasn’t heard of Google has been living under a rock for several years now. But did you know that Google can help you do more than just find...

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