Luis Gama: Vida, Verso E Prosa: Biografia, Poemas E Textos Selecionados

Luís Gama (1830 – 1882) foi advogado autodidata, abolicionista, orador, jornalista e escritor brasileiro e o Patrono da Abolição da Escravidão do Brasil.  Nascido de mãe...

De Paris: Domício Da Gama, Estabelecimento Do Texto, Notas E Introdução Franco Baptista Sandanello

A segunda metade do século XIX viu os projetos jornalísticos ganharem um caráter de grande negócio. É essa nova configuração que permitirá ao jornalismo criar novas formas...

O Abolicionismo E O Potencial Simbólico De Luiz Gama Em Notícias Circulantes Na Imprensa Grão-paraense E Cearense

Apoiadas pela bolsa de pesquisa da Fundação Amazônia de Amparo a Estudos e Pesquisas (Fapespa), as análises a que o leitor terá acesso o colocarão diante de diversos...

Aspirantes PMERJ 1976: turma Cap. PM Hilton Gama – 48 anos de história

O período de formação dos Oficiais da Polícia Militar do Estado do Rio de Janeiro na década de 1970.

The Saci In The Garden

This book tells the story of Gabriel, a child with a lot of imagination, and one of his adventures at school. The saci in the garden is other book in the series Sara and her...

Sara Goes To Japan

In this book, Sara will participate in a very interesting adventure: she's going to see Japan! Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and...

Sara's Kitten

In this book, the character Sara faces the challenge of adopting a small cat. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is...

Sara's Family

This is a book that discusses family role models so that children can feel included. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She...

The Big Misunderstanding

This book discusses friendship and conflict management. Sara is a child just like any other happy child: she is talkative, curious, and restless. She is always looking for new...

The Girl Who Liked To Know

This is a book about children's curiosity. It is aimed at children in early childhood education and the first grades of elementary school. It is the story of a very special girl....

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