John Rosemond

John's radio show on parenting, "Because I Said So!" airs on American Family Radio networks on Saturdays from 6-7pm EST. Podcasts of the show will appear approximately one week...

John Tolson

Dr. John Tolsons calling in life is to make disciples, and he pursues that calling with fierce determination and unparalleled tenacity. He has spent more than 30 years making a...

John Carnegie

Keeping a private Audio Diary, my personal three minute recordings. This is truly keeping me from the brink of insanity.

John Shew

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Bruce Lee: A Life

“The first noteworthy treatment of its subject—and a definitive one at that...Fascinating narrative threads proliferate.” —The New York Times Book Review ...

Lee Fatbloke Alder

Hi, here you can download or replay the SoulCity show from Sunday. Thank you for your valued support. Hope you enjoy!.

Bruce Lee Podcast

Join Bruce Lee's daughter Shannon Lee and cultural anthropologist Sharon Ann Lee for a conversation about the life and philosophy of Bruce Lee. Bruce Lee was a famous martial...

Dangerous Lee Radio

Keep it Dangerous as Dangerous Lee asks the questions, and as always states her opinion on every damn thing.

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