Humberto De La Rocha

My podcasts are about just my thoughts on my mind about situation that I think about too much thoughtput my days

Medici Medicine

The Art & Science of Holistic Medicine

Katarina De Mediči

Romansirana biografija Katarine de Mediči, francuske kraljice

Villa Medici

Les podcasts d'une sélection des évènements culturels, conférences et rencontres de la Villa Medici à Rome.

Via Medici

Via medici-Podcasts richten sich an Medizinstudenten und Ärzte in der Weiterbildung. Hier interviewen Via medici-Autoren in lockerer Folge interessante Menschen und Experten zu...

The House Of Medici

Welcome to the House of Medici. Hosted by Crypto de' Medici.

Religio Medici: The Religion Of A Doctor

‘Religio Medici: The Religion of a Doctor’ (1643) by Sir Thomas Browne is an explanation and analysis of the author’s religious belief in relation to his profession as a...

Religio Medici and Hydriotaphia by BROWNE, Thomas

Religio Medici (The Religion of a Doctor) sets out Sir Thomas Brownes spiritual testament as well as being an early psychological self-portrait. In its day, the book was a...

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