Crônicas Para Ler Na Escola

Atento a tudo o que acontece à sua volta, Kledir Ramil escreve sobre os temas do dia a dia com um estilo leve e original. A relação entre pais e filhos, um jogo de futebol, o...


Enjoy the key issues of a generation finally being discussed in the forum that they deserve. Honest, committed and no holds barred.

Fine Rambles

Podcast by Matthew Fine

Mercystacy Rambles

My life story,crazy story times,health

Ruston Rambles

A podcast about nothing, by people who know nothing.

Anjrue Rambles

Podcast by Anjrue Rambles

Greg Rambles

Greg Johnson's weekly podcast about music, teaching, life, and funny stuff!

Rooney Rambles

Short chats about things that have got my attention, be it at home or at the track, on the news or the world of social media!

Bro Rambles

BroMontee talks about everything fitness, life and other fun topics. Inviting guest to join in and help spread knowledge about healthy lifestyles to the world.

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