Tsem Tulku Rinpoche - Modern Dharma Guru

Learns Dharma in a fun, non-dogmatic, dynamic, humorous ways that suit modern people who won't go into a cave to meditate.

Lama David Karma Choephel

When we start practicing Buddhism, we often find ourselves taking many vows, such as refuge vows, the five precepts, bodhisattva vows, and sojong vows. But often we take the vows...

Sem Lama Não Há Lotus: A Arte De Transformar O Sofrimento

O sofrimento e a felicidade são orgânicos por natureza, e isso significa que ambos são transitórios, estão sempre mudando. A flor quando murcha se transforma em adubo. O...

Dharma Talks by Ven. Lama Dudjom Dorjee

Most weeks, the Ven. Lama Dudjom Dorjee Rinpoche presents public Dharma talks at KTC Dallas. This channel is a collection of these precious teachings.

Rejeitos: Vidas Marcadas Pela Lama

Em 5 de novembro de 2015, tinha início a maior tragédia ambiental da história brasileira. O rompimento da barragem de Fundão, da Samarco, na cidade mineira de Mariana, liberou...

Tenzin Gyatso, o 14º Dalai Lama

Saiba mais sobre a vida pessoal de Tenzin Gyatso, o 14º Dalai Lama, que além de ser monge e doutor em filosofia budista, ganhou o Prêmio Nobel da Paz. Este conteúdo é...

Ein Lama Zum Verlieben (ungekürzt)

Endlich ist Stella an der Reihe: Sie darf für das Frauenmagazin 'Donatella' eine der begehrten Reisereportagen schreiben. Doch anstatt Wellness auf Tahiti zu genießen, landet...

The Dalai Lama In America:training The Mind [abridged]

The Tibet Center and Gere Foundation present one of the world's great spiritual leaders and author of An Open Heart and the New York Times bestseller The Art of Happiness. In...

The Dalai Lama In America :mindful Enlightenment [abridged]

The Tibet Center and Gere Foundation present one of the world's great spiritual leaders and author of The New York Times bestsellers An Open Heart and The Art of Happiness. In...

Dharma Teachings By Lama Mark Webber

A collection of audio Dharma teachings by Lama Mark Webber. Please see http://www.markwebber.org/ for details.

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