Leave A Letter, Change A Life

We can influence others immediately by doing one simple act: by leaving them a letter.The days tick by and you expect they will keep coming, until the unexpected happens. Thats...

Leader To Leader

The ministry leadership podcast of Legacy Church, in West Hartford, CT.

Lauren’s Podcasts

How technology in our society affects us and changes us, as well as what technology may look like in the future for our world.


On each episode of LEADERS, host James Fratzke, will interview a proven Leader, CEO, Entrepreneur, or Founder and unpack their story of success. Theres this quote by Sir Isaac...

As A Leader

A collection of articles with tips, models and tools for new and seasoned Leaders alike.How to do your job, the essence of Leadership, Choosing your coach, Ten reasons not to do...

Bishop Lawrence E. Brandt Homilies

Homilies given by the fourth bishop of the Diocese of Greensburg at Masses throughout the four counties.

Leaders Create Leaders Podcast

As a thought leader, serial entrepreneur, angel investor, and philanthropist, my purpose is simple: to inspire other Millennials to leverage their passions to create the...

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