Condition of the Working-Class in England in 1844 by ENGELS, Friedrich

This is Engels first book (since considered a classic account of Englands working class in the industrial age), which argues that workers paid a heavy price for the industrial...

Curso Livre Marx-engels: A Criação Destruidora, Volume 1

Em oito aulas temáticas, o guia de introdução Curso livre Marx-Engels atravessa as principais obras do marxismo, do Manifesto Comunista ao Capital, apresentando os fundamentos...

Vom Engel, Der Immer Zu Spät Kam (gekürzt)

Wenn auch Engel Federn lassen... "Mitten im Dorf stand ein Wirtshaus. Max überlegte einen Moment. Er wusste vom Wind, dass sich in solchen Wirtshäusern Menschen trafen -...

Die Engel Geben Antwort: Auf Fragen Nach Dem Sinn Des Lebens (ungekürzt)

Alexa Kriele eröffenet einen direkten Zugang zur Welt der Engel. Die himmlischen Helfer geben ehellende und erstaunliche Antworten auf die schwierige Frage nach dem Sinn des...

Engeo Podcast

Jaime and Nex from the band, "engeo", discuss their experiences of writing and recording their songs.

Foundations By Engen

Foundations is a podcast by EnGen that shares the career stories of professionals from within the engineering industry. EnGen is a community of these professionals on a mission to...

Engl Nascast

It's a podcast where we talk about science, technology and mostly simulation.

Infinite Country: A Novel

This reading group guide for Infinite Country includes an introduction, discussion questions, ideas for enhancing your book club, and a Q&A with author Patricia Engel. The...

Len's Bias

Put love and positivity in everything you do..

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