On Liberty By John Stuart Mill

On Liberty Audiobook is a philosophical work by English philosopher John Stuart Mill, originally intended as a short essay. The work, published in 1859, applies Mill's ethical...

One, None And A Hundred Thousand

Description: Pirandello began writing it in 1909. In an autobiographical letter, published in 1924, the author refers to this work as the "[B]itterest of all, profoundly...

Sei Personaggi In Cerca D'autore

Quale autore potrà mai dire come e perché un personaggio gli sia nato nella fantasia? Il mistero della creazione artistica è il mistero stesso della nascita...

Beyond Socrates' Dia-logos: The Locations Of Mind

If we could talk with the great fathers of philosophy about some of today`s world issues, what resources could we infer and what lessons could we reflect? These are the surreal...

A Walk With The Lord

My name is Luigi April and I have released a new book in English andAfrikaans (A walk with the Lord and n' Wandel met die Here) a truetestimony about my life growing up without a...

Six Characters In Search Of An Author

Six Characters in Search of an Author (Italian: Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore) is a 1921 Italian play by Luigi Pirandello, first performed in that year. An absurdist...

The Ar Of Living Long (premium Ebook): The Method Of Preserving Health To Extreme Old Age

« Sure and certain methods of attaining a long and healthy life »…My treatise on a sober life has begun to answer my desire, in being of service to...

Passerelle Pme

Lambition dune PME est de se développer. Cela peut passer par des relations étroites avec les grands comptes. Comment ceux ci sintègrent dans le tissu économique national,...

Santa Dulce Dos Pobres

O livro conta a admirável vida de Irmã Dulce, uma mulher de aparência frágil e humilde, mas cuja fortaleza espiritual a enchia de energia quando se tratava de socorrer os mais...

La Freccia Nera

Ambientato nel turbolento contesto storico dell’Inghilterra del XV° secolo, insanguinata dalla Guerra delle Due Rose tra la casa di Lancaster e quella di York, La Freccia Nera...

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