Queen Victoria By Lytton Strachey

Lytton Stracheys first great success, and his most famous achievement, was Eminent Victorians (1918), a collection of four short biographies of Victorian heroes. With a dry wit,...

Eminent Victorians by STRACHEY, Giles Lytton

On Modern Librarys list of 100 Best Non-Fiction books, Eminent Victorians marked an epoch in the art of biography; it also helped to crack the old myths of high Victorianism and...

Zanoni by BULWER-LYTTON, Edward

Zanoni, a timeless Rosicrucian brother, cannot fall in love without losing his power of immortality; but he does fall in love with Viola Pisani, a promising young opera singer...

Last Days of Pompeii by BULWER-LYTTON, Edward

Last Days of Pompeii is a novel written by Edward Bulwer-Lytton in 1834. Once a very widely read book and now relatively neglected, it culminates in the cataclysmic destruction of...

Last Days Of Pompeii By Edward George Bulwer-lytton

The Last Days of Pompeii, a novel by Edward George Bulwer-Lytton tells the love story of the Greeks Glaucus and Ione who were living in Pompeii when Mt. Vesuvius erupted and...


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Stacey Chatman

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Ask Lyndon

Lyndon is an extremely wise alien available to answer your queries. The Ask Lyndon podcast celebrates his vast knowledge as well as the music of 3 Blind Mice and other diversions.

Everything Stacey

Heyyy!! Stacey here, talking about everything from friendships to religion. mmbxbn m Questioning the obvious, while shifting perspectives.

Barry Lyndon

Barry Lyndon is a picaresque novel by William Makepeace Thackeray, first published as a serial in Fraser's Magazine in 1844, about a member of the Irish gentry trying to become a...

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