
DO YOU WANT MASTER THE ART OF MANIPULATION TO PROTECT YOURSELF AND IMPROVE YOUR SOCIAL LIFE?Manipulation is just one of the strands of what is known as dark psychology. It can...

Photographic Manipulation

Photographic manipulation is a term used to describe the process of altering images using both analogical and digital means. There's more to it that this. Listen and find out!

Beginner Spanish With Spanish Obsessed

Beginner Spanish from Rob and Liz of Spanish Obsessed. Couple Liz and Rob (Colombian and English) teach and discuss a range of Spanish phrases, vocabulary, grammar and...

Dark Psychology And Manipulation

Learn The Best Techniques in Dark Psychology and How To Influence People with Persuasion, NLP, and Mind Control.Do you want to improve your persuasive abilities? Want to get that...

Spanish Practices

Spain so much more than straw donkeys, castanets, sangria and bullfighting.Join James Taylor in an hilarious series of podcasts that tries to make sense of the way the Spanish...

Beginning Spanish

Dr. Todd Mack from Hillsdale College gives Monday through Thursday updates on tips and tricks discussed in teaching a Beginning Spanish II class. Become a supporter of this...

Spanish Answers

Translator, Editor, Consultant, Tutor and Podcastor, helping you navigate the intricacies of Spanish through the podcast Spanish Answers. Coming soon to Youtube, Google Play and...

Understanding Spanish

This podcast will help you understand Spanish better, while expanding your vocabulary and grammatical foundation. ¡Buena Suerte!

Advanced Spanish

Our Advanced Spanish weekly program will allow you to listen to a normal speed conversation in real everyday Spanish spoken in Spain. You will not only improve your oral and...

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