Cory Bernardi

Cory Bernardi is the unapologetic voice of conservative principles andcommon sense in Australian politics.He is the author of seven books andhis Weekly Dose of Common Senseblog...

Isaac Newton

James Gleick has long been fascinated by the making of science -- how ideas order visible appearances, how equations can give meaning to molecular and stellar phenomena, how...

I'm Josh Newton

Im Josh Newton. I work with organizations and individuals to identify the unique hardwiring and innate abilities found in each human being. In this show, you'll hear a...

Newton Santos

Bienvenidos a los podcast de Newton Santos. Donde compartir lo bueno es un compromiso.

Afterthoughts With S. Denice Newton

Afterthoughts With S. Denice Newton is a forum for empowerment, enlightenment, and education for all people!

Discussion Podcast: Scherzer And Newton

Global perspective on early diagnosis and intervention for children with developmental delays and disabilities

Opticks by NEWTON, Sir Isaac

The famous physicist Sir Isaac Newton lectured on optics from 1670 - 1672. He worked on refraction of light into colored beams using prisms and discovered chromatic aberration. He...

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