Universos Paralelos: Diza E Brina

Diza e Brina, habitantes do planeta rosa, que faz parte de um universo paralelo, caminham felizes em direção a um riacho de águas azuis, que, segundo dizem, deságua no planeta...

Spec Script

Podcast by Spec Script

Spec Media

Spec Media is unlike any podcast youve ever heard before...although its also exactly like podcasts youve heard before. Were a collection of the best podcasts from across the...

Ontario Spca

The Ontario SPCA Animals' Voice Pawdcast features the latest hot topics in the Animal Welfare industry from a variety of knowledgeable and friendly guests. Some past guests...

Super Spec Podcast

Spectating and Speculating about the television show "Supernatural"We convene weekly to talk about Supernatural, how we feel about it, what we think might happen in the upcoming...

On Spec Sound Ideas

Podcast by On Spec Sound Ideas

Very Spec-cial Episodes

Join the City College Crew as they write and perform parody spec scripts of their favorite TV shows!

Social Video Specifications 8: Video Editing Tech Specs [ The 8 Series - Vol 8 ]

Video content is getting more and more important but for those who want to get the maximum exposure using social media video, is necessary to know how to prepare the video files...

Nöjesbladets Spela-podd

Experterna på Nöjesbladet Spela! analyserar och debatterar det hetaste i spelvärlden just nu.

Spela Med Effie

Nöjesbladets Effie Karabuda bjuder in populära profiler för att snacka om de hetaste händelserna i spelvärlden.

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