Escondendo Edith

'Escondendo Edith' apresenta o drama de uma garota judia que precisa enfrentar os horrores da Segunda Guerra Mundial. Edith Schwalb tem apenas seis anos quando Hitler invade a...

Soundtracking With Edith Bowman

In a unique weekly podcast, Edith Bowman sits down with a variety of film directors, actors, producers and composers to talk about the music that inspired them and how they use...

Afterward by WHARTON, Edith

Mary and Ned Boyne have fled their dreary life in Wisconsin for a home in rustic Dorsetshire. But you can only run so far, and some things - some secret things - may follow you. A...

Summer by WHARTON, Edith

The story is one of only two novels by Wharton to be set in New England. The novel details the sexual awakening of its protagonist, Charity Royall, and shares many plot...

Sanctuary by WHARTON, Edith

Kate Orme, shocked by the discovery of her fiances complicity in a tragedy, and by societys willingness to overlook such transgressions, nevertheless marries him. Years later, her...

Edith Bowman: Meet The Author

Edith Bowman discusses her new book, Edith Bowman’s Great British Music Festivals. Edith reflects on some of the greatest festival moments of the last 20 years, and shares her...

Madame de Treymes by WHARTON, Edith

Edith Whartons 1907 novella explores the milieu of Americans living abroad in Paris. New Yorker John Durham travels to Paris to woo an old flame, Fanny Frisbee, now the Marquis de...

Touchstone, The by WHARTON, Edith

Stephen Glennards career is falling apart and he desperately needs money so that he may marry his beautiful fiancee. He happens upon an advertisement in a London magazine...

Screen 6 With Edith Bowman

In our occasional Screen 6 Specials, Edith Bowman speaks to some of the most celebrated figures from the world of film about the music that inspires them. From BBC 6 Music

Ethan Frome by WHARTON, Edith

Edith Whartons 1911 novel Ethan Frome tells the story of a tragic love triangle. Set in the highly symbolic wintry landscape of Starkfield, Massachusetts, the narrative centers on...

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