Kim Kardashian

daily news on Kim Kardashian

Simply Kim

I love shiny things and talking about random stuff!

Penélope Africana: Romance

Penélope Africana é um romance moderno, corajoso, histórico e imaginativo, que transita entre realidade e fantasia. O autor escreve sobre um Brasil escravocrata e cruel, sem...

El Racó De Penélope

Zinc Peris emprèn un viatge, un llarg viatge de pocs quilòmetres de distància, des d'un barri de València fins al Perelló, un poble de la costa on els pares han decidit obrir...

Kim And Rob Talk Funny

A bi-weekly(ish) podcast in which we share what's making us laugh. Because we have to. Show notes at

Kim (illustrated)

This book was written by  English writer R. Kipling. The story of Kim, the orphaned son of an Irish soldier and a poor Irish mother who are both dead. Living a vagabond...

Kim Love

This is where I ramble about life. Enjoy it, it's free :)

Kim Gould

Kim brings her unique view of the evolution of humanity through her website It combines the Human Design System with other great transformative tools.

Kim Iversen

Kim Iversen is an independent minded rational progressive giving an honest take on today's politics.

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