The Carnival Of Death: A Case Of Killer Drugs And Cold-blooded Murder On The Midway

Decadence and murder found on the dark side of the big city pales in comparison to the freak show found by undercover US narcotics agent Bob Clark in The Carnival of Death. ...

The Baron Of Coyote River

Lance Gordon's running out of room and time. Back in the Sierras he killed the man who murdered his father. Unfortunately that man turned out to be a Deputy Marshal, and now Lance...

Orders Is Orders

The Chinese city of Shunkien is under siege, the Japanese military laying it to waste. In the middle of the city sits the American consulate, a fragile sanctuary packed with...

Shadows From Boot Hill

Every man walks with a shadow ... but what happens when he acquires a second one? Just ask Brazos, a cold-blooded killer for hire with blood on his hands and a posse on his tail. ...

The Battling Pilot

Pilot Pete England used to think there was nothing more exciting in the world than flying off into the wild blue yonder. But lately the blue yonder hasn’t been wild at all ......

Spy Killer

American Sailor Kurt Reid is a hothead and a hard case—a man who hits first and asks questions later. Scrappy and rough around the edges, it’s no wonder that when the ship’s...

Arctic Wings

Spring has come to White Bear Landing—and so has the law, in the firm hands of Royal Mounted policeman and pilot Bob Dixon. Dixon's gruff, tough and good-looking, and in this...

Under The Black Ensign

Long before Captain Jack Sparrow raised hell with the Pirates of the Caribbean, Tom Bristol sailed to hell and back Under the Black Ensign. That’s where the real adventure...

Sky Birds Dare!

When it comes to flying gliders, ace pilot Breeze Callaghan is as smooth as they come. He perfects a skill that will prove vitally important for decades to come—even into the...

King Of The Gunmen

They call him Suicide, Smoke or simply Sudden Death. His name is Kit Gordon, and from the banks of the Mississippi to the shores of the Pacific, he is King of the Gunmen. And...

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