Totalmente Pela Graça: Por Charles H. Spurgeon

Um dos principais escritos do "Príncipe dos pregadores" do século 19, Charles H. Spurgeon. Enfatiza a maravilhosa verdade de que não há moeda de troca que possamos oferecer...

All Of Grace By Charles H. Spurgeon

HE WHO SPOKE and wrote this message will be greatly disappointed if it does not lead many to the Lord Jesus. It is sent forth in childlike dependence upon the power of God the...

Treasury of David, Vol. 2 (Abridged), The by SPURGEON, Charles H.

Charles Spurgeon was a British Particular Baptist preacher who remains highly influential among Christians of different denominations, among whom he is still known as the Prince...

Análise Do Discurso: Caracterização Discursiva De Um Sermão De C. H. Spurgeon

Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar e explicitar as estratégias enunciativas na construção de um discurso religioso. Para a fundamentação da pesquisa, usamos os...

Grief Without Guilt: It Gets Better If You Let It, Even If It's Complicated

Widowed with a 10-day-old baby at the age of 34, Rhiannon didn't relate to the stereotypical definitions of widowhood. Not only was she younger than the average widow, but she...

Perguntas Para A Mente E O Coração - Spurgeon: 14 Sermões Sobre Interrogações Fundamentais Feitas Por Jesus

Perguntar é uma arte. Como poucos, Jesus soube lançar mão disso de forma eficaz e infalível. Incontestavelmente, Ele era mestre na laboriosa tarefa de fazer perguntas...

Holistic Business Radio The Podcast Of The Love And Money Revolution With Andy Dolph And Rhiannon Llewellyn

Weekly conversations about the intersections of business and spirituality, love and creativity, practicality and magic.

Charles Spurgeon's Meditations On The Easter Story

Beautifully and devotionally read by Christopher Glyn, this is a unique compilation of 21 readings from Charles Spurgeon's classic "Morning and Evening" devotionals on the theme...

Rhianna Patrick

Rhianna Patrick brings a fresh, fun lineup to your Sunday evenings.

The Greatest Fight: Spurgeon's Urgent Message For Pastors, Teachers, And Evangelists

And my speech and my preaching was not with enticing words of human wisdom, but in demonstration of the Spirit and of power. – 1 Corinthians 2:4This book examines three things...

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