Flat Stanley's Worldwide Adventures #11: Framed in France

Stanley's "hanging" in France!When Stanley Lambchop is asked to help catch an art thief in Paris, he's thrilled! Posing as a painting in the Louvre museum on a wall across from...


Conversations and debates with leading figures from contemporary art, design, music, literature, activism and technology taking place daily at Frieze Fairs and beyond.


Podcast by FRANGE


daily news updates on France


Freeze is a comedian - graphic artist - hop artist and battle rapper. Freeze co-hosted The TVA Show for 2 Years and you can find those archives here!In the mean time Freeze is...


A few things to know about DylanHe is the only boy in his entire town—so forget about playing games of football.His best friends are two pet chickens, Michaelangelo and...

Frazer Holmes Coaching

Personal Development Experts

Frame By Frame

Here are two English creatives on a journey of sight and sound. This time we're making a run of film reviews. Now, we're not sticking to the rules of talking only about what is...

The Romance Recipe

A LAMBDA LITERARY AWARD FINALIST "The feelings in this one are dialed up so high you almost can’t look at them directly: It would be like staring into the sun......

A Road To Romance

The Marquis of Whisinford and his friend Lord Alfred Middleton meet at White’s Club and tell each other how bored they are with the London Season and the same parties with the...

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