Not Today, Satan

just 4 teenagers in highschool talking about weird stuff.

Scandal Wears Satin

“One of the finest romance authors of all time.”—Julia QuinnNew York Times bestselling author Loretta Chase follows her historical romance gem, Silk is for...

Satan And Rainbows

An in-depth music history podcast dedicated exclusively to the critically reviled genres of heavy metal and progressive rock! ...Please listen anyway

Oh My Satan!

an official podcast for bad fanfic.

Satan And His Gospel

Who is Satan? Is he real? How did he become the Devil? What is he doing now, and how does he work? What is his ultimate end? This fascinating book describes what God reveals about...

Joe Satriani Super Colossal Podcast (audio)

Audio podcast where Joe personally gives insight to each track off of his upcoming release, "Super Colossal". Also included is a sample of each song.

Bala Academy | Hosted by Sathish Bala

This is a daily podcast, sharing personal stories of struggle, triumph and hustle. In addition to my own life and business stories, I also invite entrepreneurs living their hustle...

Satan And His Gospel

Is the Devil a living reality, or is he nothing more than a figment of the imagination? Is the word "Satan" merely a synonym for wickedness, or does it stand for a concrete...

The Sorrows Of Satan

The Sorrows of Satan (1895) is a  Faustian novel by Marie Corelli. It is widely regarded as one of the world's first best-sellers – partly due to an upheaval in the...

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