Gay Geek Bizarre

Gay Geek Bizarre Official Website

That Gay Show

Im going to give it a shot. My podcast has everything that people wanna hear. I talk about celebrity gossip, beauty tips, saving money, sex and music

Gay History 101

A podcast with two homos, some history, and some adult beverages. Pull up a seat, take a drink, and get ready to learn because class is in session.

Garnetville: A Gay Mystery

The whole town of Garnetville may be willing to let the murder of a gay man go unsolved, but Dave isn't. Dave is determined to find the truth. Quinn is just as determined not...

Ghostly Gay Trilogy

Ghostly Gay Trilogy is the story of the triumph of one man s spirit as he casts out his demons, real and imagined, and lays to rest the ghost of his lost love learning to live...

Let's Get Gay

A podcast about gay media such as films, TV, etc. and about larger social issues facing the LGBTQ community.

About A Gay Girl

About a gay girl. Masculine of center woman who loves tangents and naps. Lets see where this goes.

Oh Hey, Gays!

I'm Sally and I host Oh Hey, Gays. What's it about? Me and a bunch of pals discussing mostly queer culture. There's also some history and some current affairs. There's some talk...

History Is Gay

History is Gay is a podcast that examines the underappreciated and overlooked queer ladies, gents, and gentle-enbies that have always been there in the unexplored corners of...

Lol Ur Gay

LOL UR GAY is a gay comedy podcast with hosts Adam Myatt and Lisa Buchanan. Adam and Lisa, two comedians from Halifax, talk about jokes, being gay, and the glorious intersection...

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