Escritos Sobre A Nova Arte De Ensinar De Wolfgang Ratke (1571-1635): Textos Escolhidos

Corifeu dos didáticos" foi o título que Comênio deu a Wolfgang Ratke. O pedagogo alemão professou o luteranismo com ardor e convicção. Viveu em meio à Guerra dos Trinta...

Übernehmen Europas Steuerzahler Die Schulden Der Privaten Geldinstitute?: Hat Wolfgang Schorlau Recht?

Der Schriftsteller Wolfgang Schorlau hat mit seinem Buch „Der große Plan“ viel Aufmerksamkeit erregt.Er behauptet,  dass Europas Steuerzahler die Schulden...

Der Familien-einkommen Podcast - Wolfgang Schmidt Spricht Über Die Chancen Für Mehr Wohlstand In Jeder Familie - Freude Am

Der Familien-Wohlstand Podcast mit Wolfgang Schmidt dem Experten für mehr Wohlstand in deiner Familie und Freude am Erfolg.Dein Podcast lebensverändernd und pure Inspiration!...

Tempo Comprado: A Crise Adiada Do Capitalismo Democrático

O sucesso de Tempo comprado, dentro e fora dos meios acadêmicos, surpreendeu o próprio autor, o sociólogo alemão Wolfgang Streeck. O livro traz uma interpretação original...

Wolfman's Lounge

The Wolfman's Lounge chronicles the absurd and wonderful passions of two, sort of grown up, men. Tune in as they discuss everything from retro videogames to the differences...


Faust is a tragic play in two parts: Faust. Der Tragödie erster Teil (translated as: Faust: The First Part of the Tragedy) and Faust. Der Tragödie zweiter Teil (Faust:...

Wolfing Down The House

Canadian DJ WOLFDOWN brings you raw and tight live progressive, tech electro and step house mixes bi-weekly. You'll hear the random retro throwback to EDM early days now and...

The House Of The Wolfings

The House of the Wolfings is a romantically reconstructed portrait of the lives of the Germanic Gothic tribes, written in an archaic style and incorporating a large amount of...

Slithery Creature Care

Getting to know a little more about reptiles and the basic care required would help the individual make decisions on its suitability as pets. This is often necessary, as reptiles...

Stretch Goals

Podcast by Robert Dickerson and Scott Davis

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