Manifestation Babe

(#266) My most impactful success hack (seeking discomfort)



Today, I will be talking about my most impactful success hack, which has a lot to do with seeking discomfort. It has been a minute since I recorded a podcast episode, so I thought I would drop one based on some conversations I’ve been having in my life. This is me truly learning the lessons and then passing them on to YOU! However, I am going to make it more actionable for you by sharing a couple of anecdotes. I will also be sharing a principle that will help you take action that is LIFE CHANGING! So without further ado, let’s dive into this episode!   Get ready to tap into your subconscious superpowers, “real-life” your vision board, and create a reality that feels even better than it looks!! SIGN UP for my FREE IT’S ALREADY YOURS EXCLUSIVE PODCAST EXPERIENCE. You are NOT going to want to miss this! DOORS CLOSE FEB 26th, 2023.    In this episode, we talk about discomfort! Please be sure to tag me @manifestationbabe on Instagram and share this episode with your community to spread the word If you or someone