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EP220: The 3-Step Strategy to Building a Multi-Million Dollar Virtual Marketing Agency



This week we’re talking about how to build a profitable AND scalable agency. Ralph is breaking down the 3 steps that have grown Tier 11 by 4,000% in the last 8 years: attracting A-players, using simple software and tools, and creating systems. Listen to this episode of Perpetual Traffic to get the details on how to hire, what tools to use, and how to systemize your agency. IN THIS EPISODE YOU’LL LEARN: The 4 characteristics Tier 11 looks for in their employees: emotional intelligence, humble when it comes to change, enthusiasm for learning, and marketing IQ The 4 tools that run Tier 11 and how they’re being used daily: Slack, Trello, Tetra (?), Zoom The 3 tips to systemizing your business: Create a checklist of your SOP, have a shared document, and make sure you’re consistently updating How Tier 11 is acquiring new customers: Facebook ads, podcast leads, cold traffic funnel, and referrals   LINKS AND RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THIS EPISODE: The 4-Hour Workweek: Escape 9-5, Live Anywhere, and Join The New Rich