Starseed Radio Academy

Current Planetary Influences



We currently have some very powerful planets at positions that affect us globally and personally, so understanding what they are and how they're influencing us is essential to our success.  Transits to your Natal chart are like weather forecasts, but have much more reliability in your every day life.  So often, people react to their influence without understanding, rather than use it to their advantage.  Or they are unaware of things that taint perceptions and can take you off course.  We'll be talking about the outer planets, since those transits last for years, and have the power to bring great evolution, if we are aware of those energies. Being familiar with your Natal chart is vital for starseeds, so you can follow your own transits on a regular basis to make the most of the current energies.  You can find out more about learning the basics on our site:  At the top of the show, it's Anastasia's Starseed News, bringing topics of interest and hope you won't hear i