

In this episode, #1 Bestselling Author and Highly Acclaimed business & Entrepreneur Expert, Mel Abraham talks about deciding at what point we delegate and the things to delegate.The CORES of BusinessTo grow, scale and build something that is meaningful we need to let go of control. Here's how you decide on the things and whether they are something that you delegate or hold on to:Critical: If it is critical to the operations of your business and drives profit, then be the one in control of it. Others will not be as effective as you. Even if it is something that you do not like or are not proficient in, you need to responsibly monitor it. Have a system in place that drives things and you are on the monitoring end.Original: Keep in control of those elements that is your differentiating point. Stay close to the key characteristics that set you apart in the marketplace. For example: Your image, culture and branding. These things are your market differentiators so keep tabs on it at a great level.Revenue: