Marketing From The Roosevelt Room

EP3: It Is Hard To Fail, But It Is Worse Never To Have Tried To Succeed



“The reality is that we’ll all embrace failure at some point in our lives. The goal is not the avoidance of failure, but the proper response to it.” - Kyle Willis (3:17 - 3:24) Kyle WillisMarketing from the Roosevelt Room Why failure can be a positive experience.   For many aspiring entrepreneurs, the fear of failure can become a significant stumbling block. They might think that not enough people would want what they have to offer, or that they might lose all of their resources, among other things. The fear can become overwhelming to the point that they never even try.   However, potential failure is not a good reason to never give it a shot. In fact, mistakes and failures can be great teachers if you’re willing to embrace them and learn from them.   “The only time you truly fail is when you refuse to try again. Failure does not imply you’ve lost, it only means that you did not succeed in that attempt.” - Kyle Willis (6:08 - 6:18)   Regardless of what you’re trying to accomplish, the reality is that you’ll