Autoimmune Hour On Life Interrupted Radio With Sharon Sayler

How to Embrace Your HSP Sensitivity as a Superpower with Breakthrough Energy Expert Linda Binns



Did you know that being a highly sensitive person can be a superpower? It means you're more in tune with your surroundings, like people's moods, voices, and body language. Do you quickly pick up on the needs and feelings of others? Do you become easily overwhelmed by sensory input such as a beep-beep-beep repetitive sound, bright lights, and or strong smells? Or do subtle changes in your environment affect you more than most? Maybe you’ve been called ‘too sensitive’ more than once (or twice)... At least 20% (1/5th) of the population is considered highly sensitive. So, you are not alone.This week, we welcome Linda Binns, Breakthrough Energy Expert, and HSP Expert, to share the latest research and her own survivor-to-thriver experiences as a Highly Sensitive Person (HSP). Linda is an accomplished energy and HSP coach and author of seven self-help books, including the wonderful VALUE ME!: Advantages of Being a Highly Sensitive Professional. 
Along with her research, personal learnings, and coping strategies, Lin