Ben Greenfield Fitness: Diet, Fat Loss And Performance

How To Use Your Mind To Heal Your Body, Imagination For Healing, Defying Death, Embracing Immortality & Much More With Dr. Gerald Epstein.



After I published the podcast Should Christians Do Yoga? How To Combine Energy Medicine & Religion, Flat Earth Christianity, Transcendental Meditation, Anti-Aging & More With Pastor Toby Sumpter, one of my Jewish friends reached out to me and said:  "The Christians and Yoga podcast was interesting, if you are interested in the Jewish take on that - I have summarized it below as succinctly as possible: 1. Jews believe in 5 levels of the soul. Nefesh is the lowest level and is as the Bible says resides in the blood - which while meridians don't travel exactly along with the blood, this is clearly described as an energy in the body and is consistent with chi. The second level is Ruach and means wind - there are different aspects of chi that are consistent with both of these descriptions. Above this level is when you talk about breath of life stuff in the interview, be aware that the 3rd level is called Neshama which means breath and is higher in the cause and effect ladder extending to the Divine. We bel