Authentic Living

The Body as a Path to the Soul



Down through the centuries the body has been considered to be both the instigator of all evil and irrelevant to the spiritual yearnings of the soul. But we’ve reached a level of consciousness now in which we are beginning to wonder if perhaps splitting the body off from the spirit or soul is keeping us stuck in the same old unconscious patterns. Our guest today, Elissa Cobb is going to help us consider the body as part of the internal messaging system that informs us of our soul. Elissa is the author of “Your Forgotten Body: A Way of Knowing and Understanding Self” and the Co-Director of Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy. Educated in Embodiment Studies, she is a Certified Advanced Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy Practitioner, Teacher and Group Facilitator. She is an active speaker at mind/body conferences teaching, not treatment, but awareness and presence. Remember your body—don’t miss this show!