Wallbuilders Live! With David Barton & Rick Green

Delving into the Ethical Fabric of Political Leadership and Civic Duty on Foundations of Freedom Thursday



Today is Foundations of Freedom Thursday, so lets dive into some questions from the listeners- Which is better, primaries or caucuses?  And,If spending begins in the house, how is it that Biden is doing his own spending?Discover the heartbeat of American democracy as we promise an expedition through the landscape of our electoral systems, dissecting the value of primaries versus caucuses. This isn't just about voting mechanics—it's a deep dive into the lifeblood of civic engagement and the crucial role an informed electorate plays in upholding constitutional integrity. We'll unravel the complexities of this transition and its implications on representing the wider public, fueled by the wisdom of  great historical figures such as Thomas Jefferson, and the pressing need for voter awareness.As we navigate the murky waters of potential presidential pairings, we leave no stone unturned. A Trump-DeSantis ticket? The strategic allure of adding Marco Rubio to the mix? We analyze the constitutional nuan