The Sonya Looney Show

Exploring the World on Bike and Through Film with Daniel Troia



When Daniel Troia set off on a cross country bike tour across the United States, he had packed light. In fact, he traversed 7,000 miles with no money, and no food. He joined Sonya Looney to share stories of long-distance bike touring, the transformative power of human connection, and the profound lessons he's learned along the way. Daniel details his decision to bike unsupported across the United States with no provisions, relying entirely on the kindness of strangers. He chronicled his experience in his latest film, "We Are All In This Together," which is now streaming. Creating a documentary film about his journey helped him process the experience and find deeper meaning. Through Daniel's lens, listeners gain insights into the power of curiosity, resilience, and empathy. Prepare to be inspired to embrace life's challenges with courage and compassion. Here are a few key takeaways: - Long-distance bike touring can foster personal growth through new experiences that build resilience, curiosity, and a willingne