Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

How to Eat Your Way to a Healthier Menopause



Eat your way to a healthier menopause. I’m joined by Dr. Liz Lipski, my dear girlfriend who shares her insight into gut health, especially for post-menopausal women. We all know by now that the gut is the gateway to our overall health, so when we figure out what foods we can and can’t eat, and what type of diet we thrive on, our health will be unstoppable. Key Takeaways Foods You Should Eat for Estrogen Balance Broccoli Cabbage Brussel Sprouts Kale Kohlrabi Mustard Greens About Dr. Liz Lipski Prof. Liz Lipski, Ph.D., CNS, FACN, IFMCP, BCHN, LDN is Professor and the Director of the Academic Development for the graduate programs in Clinical Nutrition at the Maryland University of Integrative Health, the owner of the Innovative Healing Academy, and the author of Digestive Wellness, now in its 5th edition. Dr. Lipski holds a Ph.D. in Clinical Nutrition, is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (FACN), and holds two board certifications in clinical nutrition (CNS, and BCHN) and one in functional medicine