Jim And Them

Alex Jones Cries - #821 Part 2



Umami Boycott: We get into some local Las Vegas drama as a girl goes viral with her story from Umami Sushi which begs the discussion of how adults have no power over teenagers. Alex Jones Crying: Alex Jones has a meltdown as his studio is about to be shut down over his billion+ dollar lawsuit. NEOTENY: It really is true that young people looked old as hell years ago. Is this due to style or were they just older looking? FUCK YOU WATCH THIS!, THE BEAR!, WAH GWAN DELILAH!, SNOWD4Y!, DRAKE!, CHEESED!, TORONTO!, PARODY!, PROFESSIONAL COMEDIAN!, BAJILLION!, LAS VEGAS!, LOCAL CONTROVERSY!, UMAMI!, SUSHI!, BULLYING!, BAD EXPERIENCE!, BOYCOTT!, HARASSED!, KOREAN!, ICE CUBE!, WET NAPKIN!, GLASSES!, R-SLUR!, TEENAGER!, NO POWER!, ADULT!, HOOD!, IHOP!, WAWA!, REFUND!< GIDEON'S!, STRIKE!, WORK CONDITIONS!, SHAKEN!, STIRRED!, COLD BREW!, COOKIES!, TIPS!, HOURLY!, ASIAN FOOD HALL!, DESERT BREEZE!, TARA!, QUEEN SPINNER!, MALL OF AMERICA!, AUTISTIC!, SHELL SHOCK!, QUEEN SHELL SPINNER!, UNIVERSAL!, EPIC UNIVERSE!, HOW