Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

EP#7 - taking the 'stuff' of life to the page....



This week. On YOUR mind: Thank you for the heart-felt dm's and emails around last week's writing as if episode. I received several messages, all very similar.  In a nutshell, I can't seem to write down my dreams because they seem too impossible.  I love this question! You are not alone my lovelies.  Good news, I have some new thoughts for you and ways to get past the 'block'. Listen in...and do let me know how it goes. Click HERE to send me your question, and maybe I can answer it on an upcoming episode. ♡ On my mind:  I've been thinking a lot these past few weeks about the idea of truly wanting... Wanting from a space of lack or a space of willingness to do what it takes. It's so fascinating to truly consider what we are willing to make happen. (no matter what). On the page:  The page can be your coach, your guide, your friend. The page can take anything you need to say. This week, I forgot the page when I needed it the most.  I'm happy to say, we (me and the page) are back on track and my word what a differ